Zoltán Böszörményi: The Conscience of Trees  (A fák lelkiismerete)

Zoltán Böszörményi: The Conscience of Trees (A fák lelkiismerete)

you must appeal to the conscience of trees their calm is the sign of confidence that you’ve coveted for ages even with a budding mind
The Conscience of Trees

The Conscience of Trees

The Conscience of Trees – A fák lelkiismerete; Ragged Sky Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 2018    Translated from the Hungarian by PAUL SOHAR
Two Poems by Zoltán Böszörményi

Two Poems by Zoltán Böszörményi

Translations from the Hungarian By Paul Sohar  
The Conscience of Trees

The Conscience of Trees

Perceptive, cultivated and inventive are terms that aptly apply to Zoltán Böszörményi’s The Conscience of Trees. This remarkable volume of poetry is a transport for the reader, a journey across our planet filtered through the sieve of the poet’s imagination: “I speak of this need with which I live / while the wispy sunrise silently / pours a new dream through the sieve.” Complexity and variety course through the erudite arteries of this book.